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Astrology Accessory® Planets Reports

12th House    2nd House

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Astrology Accessories® Planets Reports Understanding how each planet in your Natal Birth Chart functions is essential to understanding the weekly, monthly or Year Ahead transits.  In these planetary reports you'll learn if a particular planet in your Natal Birth Chart is aspected well or not.  Is it afflicted or not. Is it where you have lesson to learn, where you have to pay attention more or where lucky breaks and good fortune always finds you.

For example, an afflicted Venus ruler of love, marriage, money, wealth and beauty, will give romantic delays and sometimes financial trouble. That's good information to know especially when the current planetary patterns show lots of Venus transits and aspects, or when Venus is retrograde.  These planetary reports also include personal planetary timelines for your convenience. 

(image for) Neptune: Your Individual Planet Interpretation Report

Neptune: Your Individual Planet Interpretation Report

Neptune Your Individual Planet Interpretation Report: The planet Neptune rules creativity, imagination, creative talent and spirituality.  It...
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