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The Ultimate Synastry Relationship and Marriage Report

(image for) The Ultimate Synastry Relationship and Marriage Report
The Ultimate Synastry Relationship and Marriage Report
  • 9999 Units in Stock


The Ultimate Relationship Report 

This computer-generated report combines the best in astrological synastry and composite charts in one complete Love and Marriage reading between you and your love interest.  

Now you can look at your relationship from all angles, combining the best of classical chart comparison practice with the more modern technique of composite charting.

The chart-comparison section appraises each partner's basic temperament from emphasis in elements, modes, signs and houses. Then there's a study of the sign on sign, ruler ship of, and planets in each person's 5th, 7th and 8th houses. Then comes how the two charts relate to each other, with aspects between the two charts and a reading of the planets of each person in the other's houses.

The composite section creates one composite chart out of the two birth charts, and reads it much like a natal chart to get at the quality of the relationship itself.

This report can be over 500 pages and covers a variety of ways each combination can play out. 

See an example of the report 

This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 04 January, 2025.

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