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Birthday Astrology Report

(image for) Birthday Astrology Report
Birthday Astrology Report
  • 9999 Units in Stock


Birthday Astrology Report: It is well-known that a solar return chart is a chart cast in reference to the instant the Sun returns to the exact place where it was at the moment you were born, and in relation to wherever you happen to be now. That’s simple enough. This happens within a day of your birthday every year, and therefore, the Solar Return is called your Birthday chart. Your natal chart may be the most important description of you, but your Solar Return is considered, by many astrologers, to be the most important chart for describing your current year.

This is a full report, covering, just as you would expect, all of the major planetary categories.
Also, included is The Right Place, a list of all of the major cities in North America, as well as in the world, each color-coded with an indication as to whether or not the city is auspicious for the year of the solar return.

Last, but not least, The Birthday Report includes a detailed day-by-day calendar of the coming year. This calendar is not, simply, a printed list, but each day is illustrated with a graphic Astro*Image. These images help the client to get in tune with, or get “a feel for,” the Astro-event listed on a particular day.

Solar Return Chart

· Interpretations for Planets in signs, houses, and aspects

·  Interpretations for Solar Return Planets making conjunctions with Natal Planets & Asc, MC One years events for

· Transits of Su, Me, Ve, Ma to Solar Return chart

· Progressed Solar Return Moon to Solar Return points

· Progressed Solar Return Moon to Natal points

· Solar Return's MC & Asc Progressed by Daily Houses to conjunctions of Natal chart

· Solar Return's MC & Asc Progressed by Daily Houses to conjunctions of Solar Return chart


Click Here to Check Example of Birthday Astrology Report

This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 04 January, 2025.

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